Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ok, ok!

SORRY that I have been a little neglectful of this poor blog. I had a humbling experience recently through which I learned that if I'm going to post something, I better make sure I don't mind who reads it (or set the whole blog to private). Since then I have been a little wary....not to mention busy AND un-inspired. But enough complaints.
Apparently there is a breakout of the flu here in Atlanta. This is not good, and I have to admit I'm a little worried since neither D or I get flu shots and he is sitting next to me at this very moment coughing and sniffling. I guess we'll wait and see.
I think it's probably pretty obvious since I'm musing on the (supposed) Atlanta Flu Epidemic, that I am fairly low on material. [Thinking and waiting for something to come to me.....]
I have ants in one kitchen cabinet. How weird is that? They are not even in the cabinets with the food. And they are really only on one shelf. There is no sugar or food anywhere near it. Such a nuisance. I had to spray the shelf with black flag and all the contents are all over the counter. Sounds like a good reason not to cook dinner.
mmm leftover lentil curry.
Poor Dustin.

1 comment:

Greta said...

(Sheepish grin) Thanks for blogging :). And I hear ya, I'd be wary too. About the flu, it is EVERYWHERE and nasty. I've heard lots of people who got the flu shot and still got it. Guess it's a different strain. Anyway, glad you're still well so far. Hopefully it'll be over soon!
Miss ya :)