Wednesday, January 16, 2008

If you're so inclined...

I know a few people who could really use some prayer. I've been thinking of them and praying for them throughout each day and since they are on my mind, I thought I would share:

1. My niece, McKaylee, was recently diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. She's doing okay right now, but her mom, Jess (my SIL), is facing the challenge of nursing her back to health (she had a pretty serious operation to drain the fluid off her brain that was caused by the tumor) and watching her closely for any signs that something is developmentally wrong until her next brain scan in a couple months. Such a heavy load! McKaylee is a little angel baby. So cute and sweet, I still can't really wrap my mind around what is happening to her.

2. Someone I am very close to who will remain unnamed is going through a tough period of waiting. She is pretty unsure about what the future holds and is ready for a change in her life but feels stuck and unable to make any changes. Pray for her boyfriend too because he is dealing with some financial stress which is also affecting my friends life. It's just one of those icky situations where something needs to give.

3. My husbands grandmother goes in for surgery next week on an ovarian cancer tumor the size of an orange! She scared and nervous and afraid to hope for the best, so please pray for her too.
Please let me know how I can pray for you...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are the worst friends ever and had no idea any of that was going on. We're praying...