Monday, January 21, 2008

Winter Wonderland

It snowed in the ATL this weekend. It was glorious....a full day of snowfall which produced a very nice accumulation on the ground. Unfortunatley I missed it. All of it :(
We were in Florida helping my mom move. That experience will live in infamy and is another post for another day, HOWEVER, I was pretty sad I missed out on what may prove to be the only snowfall in my hometown this year.
The good news is when we got home last night there was still snow on the ground and even a family (two parents, three kids, plus dog and cat - can you tell we don't get snow that often?) of snowmen in our neighbor's yard. My dog was loving every minute of it. She's part chow which is an arctic breed so she actually likes the cold.
The point I am trying to get to is this: I want to post pictures of it on my blog! I want to display a picture of my crazy dog shoving her face into the snow and acting so excited you would've thought the white stuff was actually cocaine instead of frozen H2O. I want to put up a picture of the pretty little scene of our street all blanketed in white looking like a postcard. Heck, I'd probably even put up a picture of the snowman family just for kicks. Well, the problem is I am camera impaired. We do own a very nice Sony digital camera and I have a camera phone, but I just never think to take a picture of something while its actually happening. Plus I have no idea how to upload anything from my phone or our camera onto the computer. The second problem could be remedied easily enough with a tutorial from Dustin, but how do I get myself to take the pics at the right moment instead of letting it pass me by and wishing I had a picture later on? Perhaps I will make this my New Years resolution. To try and be mindful of any and every photo opportunity that comes my way...and then to actually take a picture...and THEN to post them on my blog.
Yes! that's it.
All right you heard it here first. Now hold me accountable ok? At least one picture a week.
Happy MLK Day everyone!

1 comment:

Greta said...

I HATE that you missed the snow...and please call me when you have a chance to tell me about the visit with your momma!