Thursday, November 6, 2008

Joining the fun...

I too would like to join the crowd of conservative bloggers noting (admirably) some positive aspects of the latest president elect. While we may not have voted for him or love some of his policies, we can still hope for the best from his presidency because after all, success for him is success for our country and I can't think of many things less patriotic than wanting him to fail.
But the point I want to ruminate on is seeing all of this through the eyes of my students. The school I teach at on Wednesday is mostly black. I absolutely adore my students at this particular school. They are bright, creative, sweet-natured, kind to each other...just charming 10 and 11 year old girls whom I care for and want to see them succeed in life. (Granted, I am only their after school drama teacher and will probably never see many of them again after this school year, but for now I am enjoying being able to be a part of their lives). The hope and encouragement I saw in the eyes of my girls on Wednesday as they proudly showed me their "Obama is the 44th president" buttons and T-shirts was something I wasn't prepared for. For the first time I saw this election through the eyes of young african-american kids who NEED to know they have just as much potential as all the other (any given nationality) kids. They were so inspired. They now know that whatever they decide they want to do in this world, if they work hard, study, apply themselves, etc. they CAN do it. That is what I grew up believeing and I'm glad that now my sweet drama students can whole-heartedly believe the same thing.
So there's a plus ;).


Greta said...

Just in case you didn't see my comment in response..."I don't know if I have ANY pictures of you from the party (at least any of your face). Why didn't we get one together?!"

Greta said...

And now in regard to this post...

Thanks for the real life example of how this undesired (for me at least) outcome, will trickle down and affect others in an extremely postive, and perhaps life-changing, way.

Ashley Wenaas said...

Hayley relayed a very similar response from a lot of her friends in Mauritania! Loving your new blog by the way. I check it daily.

Mrs. Page's Page said...

My students (eighth grade striving readers for those of you who don't know) was another picture. Unfortunately it was an "in your face" ha-ha attitude and everyone cowered against it. BUT...God is good and there were no big incidents that day. I will say that since my disappointment in the results of the election, even though I sensed that's how it would go, our President elect seems to be moving forward in a sensible way facing the tremendous problems he has inherited. It will be interesting to watch how he keeps the promises he made. Also, as one of the teachers at my school (who was not for Obama)said, God can do miracles and we need to pray that God will put someone in Obama's path that will lead him to saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. :)

To God be the glory!!!

Love, Mom