Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Today was one of those days that was a challenge from the moment I opened my eyes. At 5:20 when the alarm went off I wished I could just turn over and ignore the day. I've been in the habit of going to the gym with Dustin so we were up bright and early. The first moment of joy was when we pulled into the gym at 6 and nobody was there to open up. We waited in the car with all the other early risers in their respective cars and waited...waited...
At about 6:20 we decided to give up and I was going to drop D off at his office and head home to shower, but the second moment of joy happened and the car wouldn't start. Making a long story short, I was able to borrow the car of Dustin's boss (thank you Blake!!) so I could actually show up for work at the job I despise. D was left with the car to figure out what the heck was wrong and hopefully get it fixed. Making ANOTHER long story short, my battery was dead (car is only 1.5 years old) and we did manage to get the car back by 4 pm.
Bringing me to my point...VOTING! I was so afraid that all these car mishaps would keep us from getting to the polls by 4 we could wait in the 3 hour line and then make it home by a somewhat reasonable hour.
The good news is, despite reports I heard from co-workers about people waiting for over 4 hours in some parts of Atlanta, our poll was line free! We walked right in, voted, and were out all in about ten minutes! It made me aware of how important it is to me to exercise my right to support the candidate I believe in. I am thankful that I was able to cast a vote for him (and her ;)) because despite all the hype surrounding this election, I think it is important to give support to what you believe in, even if you know your vote may not make a big difference.
I'm watching the results now, and it's still to early to call anything. But I think it's really cool that the experience of supporting a candidate and voting for them is a privilege that all Americans share. I'm glad I got to vote, and I'm glad I live in America. No matter who wins...

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